Aster, Heath
Aster, Smooth Blue
Bergamot, Wild
Black-eyed Susan
Blazing Star, Button
Blazing Star, Dotted
Blazing Star, Meadow
Blazing Star, Prairie
Cardinal Flower
Columbine, American
Coneflower, Narrowleaf
Coneflower, Purple
Coneflower, Yellow
Coreopsis, Prairie
Gentian, Bottle
Goldenrod, Old Field
Goldenrod, Showy
Hyssop, Anise
Indigo, Wild Blue
Joe Pye Weed
Lobelia, Great Blue
Mexican Hat
Milkweed, Butterfly
Milkweed, Swamp
Pasque Flower, Native
Penstemon, Shell Leaf
Phlox, Prairie
Prairie Smoke
Queen of the Prairie
Rose, Prairie
Royal Catchfly
Sage, Blue
Sage, White
Spiderwort, Prairie
Sunflower, Maximilian
Vervain, Hoary
Violet, Prairie